SIP ŠEMPETER, June 28th – July 1st, 2023
Every year, at the end of June, the entire sales team gathers at SIP, including members from both the company headquarters and its subsidiary companies around the world. This year, over 20 individuals actively operating in more than 30 global markets attended the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is to assess the current developments in each market before the end of the season, share experiences among colleagues, and explore new sales avenues to reach an even larger number of farmers worldwide.
At SIP, we strive for greater efficiency, improved quality, and adaptability. Our goal is to become the leading provider for professional farmers and suppliers of mowing and grass preparation services. Our sales organization consists of our own subsidiary companies in strategic key markets, as well as a network of distributors and retailers in other areas. Since 2016, we have established our own sales companies in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, and Croatia.
Sales personnel face challenging work in the demanding global market. Establishing a network of sales representatives for agricultural machinery is a lengthy and complex process that requires maximum effort and dedication from all employees. Each subsidiary company critically relies on the support of the parent company.
At SIP, we take pride in our international team operating cohesively in the global market with a clearly defined vision and work approach. During the presentation of their achievements this season, colleagues highlighted the importance of collaboration with major retailers. These retailers have well-organized business processes and relationships with their partners, and they are the ones who can give SIP the most prominent position in their domestic market.