SIP ambassadors are not only loyal and satisfied users of SIP machinery, but they are also promoters of our machines and are happy to share their positive experiences with others. They visit us at trade fairs regularly, take part in organizing demonstrations, various video presentations, and so on.
This time, we had two ambassadors from Slovenia who, in cooperation with SIP, also filmed an agricultural program on TV Golica. The program from the Grabnar farm in Srednji Dolič near Mislinja was broadcast in autumn 2021 and is also available on the YouTube channels of SIP and TV Golica. The program filmed on the Medved farm in Pragersko will be broadcast this autumn.
Anton Medved, owner of farm in Pragersko, Kidričevo, Slovenia
The farm has 60 ha of land, 45 ha of which are arable land, the rest is permanent and annual grassland. The farm is oriented in dairy production. They have 300 head of livestock, 76 of which are dairy cows on robotic milking. They cultivate wheat, barley, and maize, and the grassland is mainly for silage, with some hay in the second and third cuts. The milk is sold to Ljubljanske mlekarne.
The farm has been a SIP promoter for many years and mainly uses machines from the SIP robust line, the SILVERCUT DISC 900 C mowing combination, the SPIDER 815|8 tedder and the ORION 140 manure spreader, as well as the STAR 1250|50 T four-rotor rake from the HD line.
As seen rarely in Slovenia, the farm operates in neighbor cooperation, where neighbors help each other and cooperate in the purchase of machinery. So 4 years ago they made a joint investment to buy different machines.
They say that they have quality grassland cut all the time and consequently the quality and clean forage. They make sure that the input of soil and sand in the forage is kept to a minimum and that the quality is at the highest possible level for the dairy cows. Experience has taught them that clean forage is important to reduce mycotoxins in the silage and consequently less disease and less stress are noticed in animals. This is very important in milk production, as it prevents the formation of somatic cells and mastitis. Health is significantly improved and quality forage also affects the hooves, which are among the most important for a healthy dairy cow. If a cow is not healthy, then it is not mobile enough, does not eat, and does not go to milking. Such a cow has to be treated, milk loss occurs, and the production cost increases. All this can be avoided with clean forage, which is why quality machinery such as SIPs is important.
Until 2019, they had a milking parlor, so-called the fishbone. Then, in 2019, the barn was modernized and expanded, with new facilities for young heifers and pregnant cows. They started robotic milking, which resulted in the cows being milked an average of 2.6 times a day, increasing milk production. Mastitis rates have also been reduced. Robotic feeding was added with a modern robot that photographs the feeding table 24 times a day and adds forage where it is not available. The robot itself mixes the forage very precisely and doses it as needed.
They have been using SIP machines for 40 years and although they have always been satisfied with them, Anton Medved says: “The quality and design of the machines have improved a lot over the last ten years, so the satisfaction is only greater.”
3 generations – Anton Medved with his son Toni Medved and grandson Gašper Medved, who are actively involved in farming and carrying on a rich tradition
SIP Ambassadors were also kindly welcomed at Agritech Celje by the SIP Chairman of the Board, Mr. Uroš Korže
In April 2022, Anton Medved and his family also hosted two groups of SIP partners from France, who were very happy to visit the farm.