With conditioning, faster wilting or drying can be achieved, thus preserving nutrients and ensuring better forage quality.

The roller rubber conditioner (RRC) smashes the stems and opens them lengthwise, thus allowing rapid loss of moisture. When conditioning with a roller rubber conditioner, the delicate leaves stay on the plant undamaged. This prevents leaf shredding and protein loss and ensures higher nutritional value and forage quality. This type of conditioning is recommended for alfalfa and clover forages


The profiled helix-shaped rubber rollers rotate against each other and compress stems lengthwise, allowing quick moisture loss.

The picture shows the points where the stem is smashed while the leaves remain intact.

With the adjustment of conditioning intensity, the pressure of the rollers can be set according to the amount and type of the forage.

2020-11-SC DISC 300 F RC_001

Dual drive of rollers with gear transmission ensures coordinated roller rotation and consistent flow of forage trough the conditioner.


More about SIP disc mowers.