Although it’s been a few days since “Agro dūzgių”, the echoes are still coming back, with customers enjoying a useful and varied demonstration event. At the beginning of the event, the participants listened to a presentation by Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Klimas on “Optimisation of herbaceous forage production on livestock farms using leguminous grasses”. This was followed by an engaging discussion on the importance of forage quality for production and its impact on animal welfare and health. During the coffee break, there was an educational session on quality milk and milk tasting. The second part of the event was practical, with a tour of the feedlot and a demonstration of the innovative SIP and KUHN forage preparation equipment.
During the demonstration, grass was cut, raked, pressed and rolled by the Slovenian brand SIP and the Dutch brand KUHN at the EAA training farm. The professional Zemtiekimas team managed almost 7.5 ha of the demonstration farm grass. As well as showcasing some of the most productive machinery, a large amount of top quality forage was prepared.
The SIP AIR HD 900 T pick-up rake was the one that caught everyone’s attention during the demonstration, and it has the following distinctive features that must be highlighted:
- During raking, the swaths can be formed on the left, right or in the middle, with the option of forming 1 – centre or 2 sides.
- One side of the rake can also be used (the other side can be lifted at the same time).
- The hydro-pneumatic rake suspension follows the ground surface professionally and the pick-up unit extends up to 60 mm according to the ground contour.
- With the help of a conveyor belt, the forage is gently transferred to the stacking area without being crushed or contaminated by soil.
The KUHN FBP 3135 roller wrapper has attracted just as much attention. Thanks to the unique shape of the shredder rotor fingers, the baler has low fuel consumption. The patented roll strapping system uses 2 rolls of film. The bale retains its original diameter even when the chamber is opened, without swelling or drawing air, which ensures perfect fermentation of the feed. Odd layers of film (5, 7) can also be applied during the winding of the rolls, thus saving film. The 3D wrapping function reduces the number of unnecessary film layers at the ends of the roll by redistributing the film where it is most needed, on the corners.
The KUHN technique from the Netherlands was presented in English by Dmitry Tyapkin and Roy Raeds, the SIP technique was commented on in English by Patrick van Melick, and translated by Domas Pačenga, Product Manager of Zemtiekimo UAB.
Photos: VDU, Jonas Petronis
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