In a testament to the spirit of collaboration and shared success last week we organized anotherdealers meeting, bringing together esteemed partners from Spain and Portugal. This pivotal event, held in partnership with our trusted Spanish distributor AG GROUP, with whom we also celebrated 10th year anniversary during the event, served as a platform for fostering connections, sharing insights, and aligning strategies for mutual growth.

The agenda of the dealers meeting was carefully crafted to address key industry trends, market dynamics, and collaborative opportunities where dealers and representatives from Spain and Portugal engaged in fruitful discussions, exchanging ideas and best practices. This laid the foundation for stronger ties and increased future collaboration.

The meeting also provided an excellent platform for showcasing our latest products and innovations in our new SIP center where we reinforced the synergy between SIP, AG GROUP, and valued dealers from Spain and Portugal promises a future marked by growth and mutual success.

As we reflect on this successful gathering, we look forward to the continued growth and prosperity that our collaboration with AG GROUP is bound to bring on Spanish and Portuguese markets where we recognize big potential for our professional grassland machines.