21-23.4.2022, Maammes 2022 fair, Tartu Estonia
We have signed a long-term distribution agreement with a new partner, Wihuri OÜ.
SIP pick-up rakes AIR have already found the first customers who have assessed the quality and robustness of our machines, and above all they want to improve the quality of feed, which is possible also by the new design of pick up rakes.

SIP AIR was listed as a one of the events highlights: https://maamess.ee/mess/messinaelad/ 

Here you can also see special FB post: https://www.facebook.com/MMaamess/posts/4875588815888762 and a story in national newspaper : https://maaelu.postimees.ee/7508055/messil-esmaesitleti-uuenduslikku-vaaluteisaldajat

Thanks to partner Wihuri OÜ for a successful presentation and a good start to the collaboration.